Boron nitride caramic fixture
Boron nitride ceramic fixture
Keywords: insulation accessories, amorphous soft magnetic alloy spray
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Boron nitride caramic fixture
High purity boron nitride ceramic fixture for sintering aluminum nitride and silicon nitride ceramic substrates
Substrate material is the fundamental material for manufacturing semiconductor components and printed circuit boards.
The packaging substrate is an important component of electronic packaging and serves as a bridge between chips and external circuits.
High performance ceramic substrates are the most fundamental materials in the chip and electronic packaging industry.
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Fuzhou Ceravite New Materials Development Co.,Ltd.
Add:691 Dongtian Village, Yangxia Street, Fuqing City, Fuzhou City, Liandong U Valley·
Building 13 and 15 of Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Center
Tel:86-13799982018 (Mr. Chen)
Tel: 86-0591-83709236
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